Sorry it has taken me so long to post this... Taking care of a newborn is a lot more demanding than I ever imagined. This post will cover the last two weeks of his life and Ill do my best to update more often!
Tuesday October 4th, contractions started at 10:30 pm... We finally went to the hospital at 1:30am once my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart. By 4 am I'd had the epidural and was feeling pretty good. If it weren't for the nurse coming in to check vitals every 20 minutes or so we might have actually been able to get some sleep. Chris and I finally called our parents about 5:30 am to let them know we were having a baby!! We made sure to tell them that things weren't progressing very quickly but the grandma's were pretty stinking excited. Our families were so awesome, hanging out at the hospital all day with us and supporting us! At about 7:40 am the on-call Dr broke my water to help speed the process up! It was a long day of waiting. By 2:30 I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. At 5:15 pm our beautiful baby was born!!!! He was perfect!!!
He didn't get a name until he was about 24 hours old but Braylen Christopher is the highlight of our days. Born at 8lbs 12oz he was a very healthy baby boy!!! We had two of the best labor nurses and of course Dr Brown was wonderful! Artie, our delivery nurse twisted Chris' arm into being a little more involved than I think he would have liked, (although I think he is now happy he was there, or I hope atleast.) Chris was able to "help" give Bray his first bath in the hospital...
We were able to go home thursday at 6pm (although it was more like 7 before we got out of there)
The past two weeks have really flown by.. Chris was able to take a whole week of work to stay home with baby and me and it was so nice having him there to go to the dr appointments with us. We had Braylen's two week check-up yesterday and he is now up to 9lbs and 21 3/4 inches! He is just growing so fast!!
He really loves looking at himself in the mirrors at the dr's office. He must know how handsome he is!!!
Well, hope thats a good update for today.. My boy's are snuggling on the couch so I think Ill take this time to go hang out with them! Good night!! Ill post again soon! :)
I do post a lot more pictures and more frequent updates on facebook if you are on there and would like to see them please feel free to send me a request :)